News from Erfurt

In an eagerly awaited decision (BAG, judgment of 07.02.2024 – Ref. 5 AZR 177/23), the Federal Labor Court has specified the requirements for the assertion of claims for default of acceptance wages by employees after winning dismissal protection proceedings. As a general rule, employees who win a dismissal protection lawsuit against their employer are entitled […]

Fixed-term employment contracts in the context of grant projects

The law on fixed-term contracts repeatedly poses considerable problems for many employers when drafting employment contracts. There is often uncertainty as to how often, for how long and, in particular, for what reasons employment relationships can be limited in time. Uncertainty still exists in cases where employees are to be hired for a fixed term […]

Increase in the statutory minimum wage from 01.01.2020

At the turn of the year, the statutory minimum wage was raised from EUR 9.19 to EUR 9.35 per hour. From 2020, trainees will also receive a minimum remuneration of EUR 515.00 in the first year, which will be gradually increased in subsequent years. In addition to the statutory minimum wage, there are also various […]


According to the press release of the BGH dated November 15, 2012, the BGH ruled on the same day (case no. I ZR 74/12) that parents as connection owners are regularly not liable for illegal file sharing by their underage child. According to the BGH, this applies “in the case of normally developed children” under […]


A trademark in the legal sense is a legally protected sign that is intended in particular to distinguish the goods and/or services of one company from those of others. The following explanations are intended to provide a brief overview of the options for obtaining legal protection, but are by no means exhaustive. Origin of trademark […]